Laser treatments to erase acne scars
Acne causes scars on the skin in 70% of cases. Fortunately, laser treatment fades those unsightly memories! Do you want to find a face freed from these marks? See you at the laser center ! You are questioned by a doctor about your medical history. It defines the best way to intervene and the laser to use.
Principle of laser acne treatment
The treatment will consist of surfacing the superficial layers of your skin. The light beam of the laser transmits its energy in the form of heat. It removes the thin top layer of skin and allows it to regenerate.
Treatment results
After the treatment, the reactions most often observed are redness and moderate oedema. This is quickly softened by a suitable cream. No social eviction is necessary. You will get the final result after 3 to 5 sessions. Note, this technique is also used to erase all types of superficial scars. Don’t hesitate to come and talk to our doctors about it.
Laser treatments at the service of your skin to erase wrinkles
Treatment of fine lines
Laser treatments offer the possibility of intervening on wrinkles and fine lines, thus offering you a rejuvenating effect. During the interview, the doctor defines the most suitable skin care. The Nd:Yag laser targets the superficial layer of the skin. The first skin layer of the areas to be treated is as if erased. Skin looks new and wrinkles smoothed.
Treatment of deep wrinkles
For deeper wrinkles, the laser is combined with cosmetics. The beam energy is used to increase the penetration rate of the product. It creates microchannels through which the active ingredients are diffused. These are released at the junction of the dermis and epidermis and stimulate the production of collagen. After these treatments, you can go about your business with a prescription for moisturizers and sunscreen.
Laser treatments to remove pigment spots
There are several types of pigment spots. All these brown spots have in common that they have too high a concentration of melanin compared to the rest of the epidermis. They can now be treated successfully in aesthetic medicine. Under the action of the laser beam, the melanin burns and is destroyed. The result is clean and fast. The complexion is perfect.
Laser hair removal treatments
If your hairiness bothers you and causes you discomfort, laser hair removal treatment is your solution. What are the advantages of the laser hair removal technique ?
- It is permanent hair removal, the hairs do not grow back;
- It’s painless hair removal , just a slight “sunburn” effect;
- It is a perfect depilation , your skin is clear and smooth;
- It is an effective hair removal , more regrowth under the skin;
- It works on all hair types , from thick hair like armpit hair removal to fine facial hair removal .
Procedure of a laser session
The doctor has defined the most suitable method of laser hair removal . In general, he uses the Alexandrite laser on light skin, the Nd:Yag on dark skin tones and finally the Clarity on tanned skin. If your hair is too light, the laser is ineffective. Electric hair removal sessions are then offered. During the laser hair removal session , your eyes are protected by goggles and the medical assistant uses a handpiece during the procedure that emits flashes of light. She passes it over the hair removal area to be treated for her patient. The sensations most commonly reported are those of overheating, such as sunburn.
On which areas of the body can laser hair removal be performed?
The laser is a technique suitable for hair removal for women , but also for men. Our laser centers offer you body hair removal and you can request a treatment on the area of your choice:
- Hair removal for legs, arms and back.
- Facial hair removal.
- Armpit waxing .
- Integral hair removal .
FIS hair removal .
An estimate informs you of the price of laser hair removal specific to the established diagnosis. The price per hair removal session can be reduced if you opt for a pack. Take the plunge and come meet us, the preparatory meeting is free.