Is teeth whitening accessible to everyone?

teeth whitening

In recent years, dental health and aesthetics have become a priority for many individuals. Teeth whitening is therefore a very popular treatment, in order to obtain teeth of a more pleasant white color and to eliminate stains.

Whitening toothpaste for teeth

What is tooth whitening? To whiten your teeth , it is possible to use different methods and techniques, each involving whitening or whitening products. In a dental office, beauty salon or at home, teeth whitening is very often achieved by applying gel in universal or custom-made gutters, which are contained in complete kits.

However, before proceeding with a teeth whitening treatment, it is necessary to take into account the recommendations and advice of health professionals . Can anyone do teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening

To whom is teeth whitening not recommended?

To take place in the best possible conditions, dental whitening must be performed on individuals with impeccable oral health. It is therefore not recommended for some people.

People with dental problems

  • In general, tooth whitening should not be performed on people:
  • having crowns or facets;
  • having an autoimmune disease, under treatment;
  • having cavities or untreated lesions ;

Before considering any treatment, a dental examination should ideally be carried out. For dentists, the priority is to treat any dental problem suffered by the patient: healthy teeth are more important than white teeth. If teeth whitening is performed on unhealthy teeth, the risks of sensitivity and pain are much greater.

So, before starting any treatment at home, it may be necessary to consult a dentist. The latter can give advice on the methods and products to use, or even provide the treatment directly in the office. In this case, the product used is a gel concentrated with more than 0.1% or more than 6% in hydrogen peroxide , according to European regulations.

Pregnant or breastfeeding women

Although there is no evidence on the possible negative effects of teeth whitening on a pregnant or breastfeeding woman, it is recommended that no treatment be carried out.

Indeed, the many hormonal changes caused by pregnancy are likely to have an impact on the oral health of pregnant or breastfeeding women. For purely aesthetic purposes, tooth whitening is therefore not urgent: the treatment can be carried out later.

Children and teenagers

The phases of puberty and adolescence lead to many physical and psychological changes in the youngest, especially at the dental level. Milk teeth are gradually replaced by permanent teeth, which are fragile when they first appear.

Thus, from an early age, learning good oral hygiene is essential to avoid developing gum disease and cavities. These dental problems are often linked to the consumption of foods high in sugars , to an insufficient frequency of tooth brushing, as well as to hormonal changes linked to puberty.

In order not to risk damaging the already fragile oral health of young people, bleaching treatment should be avoided. Nevertheless, the ideal is to consult a dentist, who will be able to estimate whether the treatment can be performed on his patient, whatever his profile.

The expected results and the risks on oral health are two major concerns for individuals interested in a dental whitening treatment.

The result and the risks associated with tooth whitening can be influenced in particular by the method, technique and product chosen.

The most common solution is the application of trays containing whitening gel.

in a dental office: the dentist can use a highly concentrated hydrogen peroxide gel (more than 0.1%, or more than 6% if all the sessions are done in the chair);

The gel technique applied in a gutter does not present any risk if it is practiced on healthy teeth and gums . Otherwise, there is a risk of weakening the enamel and sensitizing the gums, the latter being reinforced by the product’s high concentration of hydrogen peroxide and by the poor placement of the gutters.

As far as the results are concerned, they can sometimes be more convincing if the treatment is carried out by a dental surgeon, thanks to the use of a more concentrated gel and custom-made gutters, as well as their mastery of the technical. It is still entirely possible to achieve the desired results at home, provided you follow the instructions carefully .

There are other dental whitening solutions: the whitening pen , toothpaste foam, strips or activated carbon powder. These are whitening products , not bleaching products. Their action is more on the surface: they help to remove stains (coffee, tea, etc.) and color the teeth. Without hydrogen peroxide, these products pose no risk to enamel or gums, but the results are not the same as a whitening product such as gel.

In addition to the influence of methods, techniques and products, it is possible to see differences in results from one person to another, in particular depending on the color of the teeth before treatment, but also on diet.

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